About Me

I am currently in my second year of study at the University of Gloucestershire. My first year modules consisted of an introduction to artificial intelligence, systems design and development, programming algorithms & techniques, and programming & mathematics. My current modules of study are data analytics, artificial intelligence ethics, optimisation algorithms, and professional awareness.

Course Representative

As a Course Representative, I take Feedback from my Course-mates as needed and then depending on the matter raised, respond to the Student Subject Coordinator or the Academic Course Leader. There are also Crucial meetings the University Organise on a semester basis. Each Semester Contains an Academic Subject leader meeting and Creative Computing Course Conference where student feedback is discussed, course changes are mentioned and other matters regarding IT or library services.

I have been re-elected a course representative for my second year of study and so far, have acted on feedback from the beginning of the semester resulting in improved communication, module improvements and additional opportunities for the cohort. During the semester meetings, I actively take part in discussing any matters raised by the cohort and ensure they are communicated to the correct person. I pass on any feedback to my peers and thus, close the feedback loop.

Awards and Certifications

During my first year of study, I worked toward the University of Gloucestershire Bronze employability award which was awarded for my professional development. To gain the award, I had to attend 5 skills workshops, log 20 hours of professional development, complete a career readiness report, and write a reflection for the preceding tasks. To log my hours, I used a combination of course representative work and the remainder for developing a placement portfolio. I aim to upload a pdf of the certificate to my LinkedIn profile but is also available upon request.

I am currently working towards the scientific computing and data visualisation certificate with Freecodecamp as they coincide strongly with my current modules of study.


At the end of each academic year, the university holds an event called COMX where work is showcased and awards are given to students for various categories. In my first year, I was nominated for best level 4 and best contribution. I am thankful and proud to be nominated for best level 5, best programmer and best contribution in my second year and look forward the COMX awards ceremony on June 9th 2023.